Projects fail for a variety of reasons and the key is how you correct the situation, and how quickly to safeguard the business objectives. Assessing troubled projects requires project recovery efforts which in other words are the activities helping us to recognise the state of the project and after which coming to a decision point to save the project or not.
We provide the leadership necessary to solve complicated problems. We can bring the necessary input and expertise to recover and realign projects by combining deep technical knowledge with a proven process; we can rapidly address major problems and bottlenecks.
Project Realignment
With a demonstrated record across multiple industries, our methodologies are proven; our recommendations realistic and our governance and assurance tools provide traceability and maintain alignment.
Our service includes:
– Project and program assessment
– Risk, issue and compliance assessment
– Gap analysis report
– Root cause assessment
– Realignment recommendations and Implementation
– Assurance, governance and risk services
Project & Program Recovery
We have the independence, expertise, experience and proven models you need to recover. We assess the status, understand your circumstance, define the best path forward, help you implement and build the assurance and governance frameworks to keep it on track.
Our services include:
– Understanding troubled projects
– Planning project recovery
– Project quality commitment and assurance replan
– Business benefits and value assessment and management
– Recovery recommendations report and implementation
– Comprehensive end to end ownership and delivery of replanned project and its objectives including value optimisation.